As usual, stay classy Geert Wilders goons

Last night, at the European Parliament, there was a minute of silence dedicated to all the victims of the repression of protests across the Middle East. All MPs, across the floor, stood up to pay respect. All except three. The three elected Parliamentarians for The Netherlands, members of Geert Wilders’ Party, PVV (Party for Freedom, after it’s name in Dutch), refused to stand up and remain silent. Their point was that they will not stand in respect for the deaths of any Middle Eastern person who upholds any Islamic values.

International media has not yet caught on this so, all links to this story I could find are in Dutch. Here’s one, which, as I usually point out, can be reasonably parsed through Google Translate. And here, in English, about the fraction leader for the PVV at the European Parliament, who minutes before this tribute refused to applaud the activists who were awarded a Human Rights award.

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