i’m so very sorry you’re still getting so much nasty shit thrown at you. i find your writing extremely informative and important and really regret that the world is so icky that you can’t publish it without this kind of pushback. best-

As I mentioned in another post, I am incredibly humbled by all the support and love from all of you.

On a good day, I consider myself a mediocre writer (really, I know this sounds like faux modesty, but each time I beat myself up thinking how I should do better). Still, mediocrity or not, I won’t stop trying. If anything, because I think we need more news and analysis about what goes on outside North America. And because really, truly… I am a BIG MOUTH!

For the past decade and a half I have been making all my content available for free (and never behind a paywall) as an ongoing practice of ephemeral publishing. This site is no exception. If you wish to help offset my labor costs, you can donate on Paypal or you can subscribe to Patreon where I will not be putting my posts behind a lock but you'd be helping me continue making this work available for everyone. Thank you.  Follow me on Twitter for new post updates.

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