The one online conversation I’ll use every time I need to illustrate ignorance in matters of race
The one online conversation I’ll use every time I need to illustrate ignorance in matters of race
This is the Facebook discussion that ensued when the grossly racist Slut Walk New York photo was posted.
The young woman holding the sign quickly chimes in about “intent”. Then, when told that intent is not an excuse, she backpedals and apologizes. However, said apology should not be confused with having learned something. Because of course, she continues exposing her misguided ignorance by telling PoC that racism against Whites is a real danger! And she has also suffered from it! And a chorus of ignoramii feels the need to intervene in her defense and more or less derail the conversation until it is turned into a long string of offensive cliches hurled against many PoC that wasted their time trying to explain why the whole thing is offensive.
And this one Facebook thread is the one great moment of FAIL I’ve seen this year. You know what I also realized? If the same conversation had happened in a Dutch context, I would be battling with exactly the same kind of responses.
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