Nobody is born this way

Let me preface this by saying: I loved Gaga’s first album. It was good dance music (one can argue it was also mostly inconsequential, but so is much of pop). Still, I am less and less enticed by the Gaga persona. The whole tea cup shtick already came across as contrived and artificial and her videos less interesting. And it has only gone downhill since.

So, this morning I finally saw the video of Born this Way. I cannot say anything that hasn’t been already said a million times about the song (yes, I dislike it deeply), but the video. Ugh. I haven’t read anything online about it yet (haven’t been that much in front of my computer since Friday), so I probably risk repeating what has already been posted elsewhere ad infinitum, but holly narcissism! She is the spokesperson for the entire UNIVERSE! Oh and don’t be a drag! Be a queen! (WTF with that?!).

Is it me or now she fancies herself the voice of every oppressed minority everywhere? The bikini clad, athletic white, blond, beautiful girl that speaks the voice of the subjugated! And if Derailing for Dummies was ever turned into pop lyrics, it would probably be sang by the same Gaga that gave us this video. The one who more or less tells us to “get over it”.

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