Because I Said So: Crossing Over


This Monday through Wednesday the theme of the Because I Said So series is Crossing Over. Specifically, we’ll be talking about race and crossing the boundaries of race whether those boundaries are defined by ourselves, families, cultures, or nations, etc.

For some of us, the first “crossing over” was at conception, for others infancy, and so we were crossing long before we knew that we were doing it or how we were doing it. Others of us were children at various stages of development, some of us were adults before we found ourselves merging across race. For some the decision was made for us by external events like cross racial adoptive families or multi-ethnic bio families. In some cases, we cross back and forth every day, perhaps countless times, and others of us mostly when we choose to. We may also be crossing over to our own race. The collective experiences can be deeply defining to an individual character, or a mundane fact of life like so many others. I’m hoping we’ll get to read about all of this, along with some of the countless things I’ve missed!

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