Guy claiming feminism is a religion just lost in court

That guy claiming that Ladies’ Night violated his 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection under the law just lost and, apparently, this time for good (at least regarding this issue):

The suit, filed in federal court, was dismissed, and so was a subsequent appeal. Mr. Den Hollander then submitted a petition to the United States Supreme Court on the same issue. He said he received word on Wednesday that the court had refused to hear the case.

“Of course, the three females on the court probably voted against it,” Mr. Den Hollander said on Thursday. “Fighting for the rights of men is not very popular thing to do in America these days.

Mr. Hollander said that the basis of his case is that feminism is a religion. “The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that religion is a belief system that occupies the same space in a person’s activities as a traditional religion like Catholicism or Protestantism – a system that dictates your ethical and moral standards and activities.”

The feminists have taken control over every institution in this country — they want to take control over men,” he said. “I’m going to fight them to my last dollar, last breath.”

Ok then, just to give him fodder for his next lawsuit, I hereby declare myself High Priestess of the Order of the Feminazis, may our Saint Patron The Humorless Man Hater protect us.

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