It’s possible that you’ve covered this topic and I missed it, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on this article: The thrust of the piece is that Dutch women are stunningly under-represented in the workforce, yet seem to be happy just the same: “less than 10 percent of women here are employed full-time … [l]ess than 4 percent of women wish they had more working hours or increased responsibility in the workplace, and most refuse extended hours even when the opportunity for advancement arises.” Do you agree with Olien’s assessment of Dutch society? And do you think she draws the right lessons from her observations: that the idea of gender-equality progress is, in America, too bound up with advancement in the workplace? I happen to disagree, but you’re bound to have a good perspective on this. Thanks!
No, I haven’t addressed this article yet. And yes, I have seen it before. The reason I didn’t address it is because I am torn in my opinion. Had you asked me 15 years ago, when I moved here (and actually wrote more than one article on the subject back then), I would have had a clear opinion. Now, after living here for so long, learning the language, becoming pretty involved in the local culture, etc… I just don’t know.
BUT! I will read the article again and write something tomorrow. Because I like to tackle those issues with a fresh mindset (and not when it is 11PM and I may or may not be having a rum laced tea pre slumber time).
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