Adventures in Housewifery!

I interrupt my sarcasm laced rants to present the first batch of oatmeal cookies (second batch is baking as I type this) and a beautiful ciabatta bread I made earlier today.

I am hosting the kick off meeting for the Amsterdam elections campaign (for a certain political party I am not yet disclosing, but suffice to say, is left of center) this afternoon so I thought I would be a good host and serve something nice to the comrades guests. Incidentally, provincial elections in The Netherlands are the 2nd of March. I shiver.

If anyone is interested in baking the cookies, the recipe can be found here. One tip not mentioned in the recipe: when you place them in the baking sheet, make sure there is enough space between them because they double in size. Also, I used raisins because I didn’t have cranberries. They are still delicious.

The ciabatta is just a simple recipe with a mix of flours. Nothing out of the ordinary, though. But it does look magnificent, doesn’t it?

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