Yesterday, I facilitated a workshop about diversity in political movements which, was a raging success when a White, Dutch native brogressive called me “evil witch” and stormed out after I dared say political movements in The Netherlands and, specifically the party he is a member of, D66, only pay lip service to diversity but actually do nothing for it. A middle age manarchist said I am not fit to coordinate workshops of this kind because I purposefully acted to exclude the brogressive. When I informed him I had no interest in ever accommodating the feelings of a White brogressive, middle aged manarchist stormed out. And yet another White young guy called me “intimidating” and said that it was difficult to deal with women like me in political movements.
Now, there was this middle aged man of color. I am not sure where he is from as he just told me he was born in Africa (he was certainly not Dutch because of the way he spoke the language, that much I can say). Then he took the ring in this photograph out of his pocket and handed it to me and said “for you lady, because you have light”. He seemed to have some mental health issues (as in, he told me he shot Bin Laden, and he was going to marry Queen Beatrix’ niece next week). And yet, he was one of the kindest people in the room. Also, beneath his obvious statements, he had a great political understanding, actually far superior to several of the brogressives and manarchists.
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