In re gaslighting: I think there’s one crucial difference separating society-wide racial gaslighting and SO much individual gaslighting. Individual gaslighting in the sense of abusers is deliberately false in that the abuser KNOWS they abused; this is true of societal gaslighting as well. With the individual racism deniers though, the majority seem to truly believe that the racism doesn’t exist. It seems nitpicky, but it’s important not to derail the deliberate deception involved in the former.
I am not sure the abuser KNOWS they abused. I believe that the person doing the gaslighting is actually convinced that what they are saying is “true”, “real”, etc. To me, when I have experienced this (in relationships, for instance), the person doing it seemed to actually believe his own lies.
I don’t think it is nitpicking, though. I don’t think I am necessarily right, you know. Just that I was a bit peeved that the concept seemed to only apply to a certain kind of woman and only in very specific situations (mostly as part of domestic abuse patterns), when in reality, the phenomenon is more widespread.
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