abstractdreams replied to your video: Calle 13, P’al Norte I love Calle 13. The End. …

I have a love/hate relationship with them. A few of their songs gross the hell out of me, but I can’t stop dancing and singing along. But it’s true that their lyrics are witty, something their genre lacks at times. I hadn’t heard this one. Me gusta!

Do you speak Spanish? I am not dismissing your comment, but I am asking because my partner, who speaks Spanish but learned it as an adult misses half of the meaning because most of their stuff is charged with sarcasm, plays of words, etc. They sometimes make sexist remarks, for instance, immediately followed by a take down of what they just said. I like them because they are the closest to slam poetry in the form of dance music I heard in a long time.

Incidentally, if you like Calle 13, check this other video by Argentinian dancehall artist Princesa. I love her, she is the anti dancehall stereotype of femininity. The video is filmed in one of the poorest metropolitan areas of Buenos Aires, where football player Carlos Tevez comes from, Fuerte Apache. When I need some feel good tune, this song is pretty much a feature in my playlists.

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