All in an effort to provoke men into lashing out at them, they then act as if they’re the victims when they succeed

TRIGGER WARNING: rape, threat of violence against women

Official Tumblr politics editor Ryking, talking about how me and my little loaf of bread were provoking men to say they wanted me “kneecapped and raped.” (via afternoonsnoozebutton)

I just wrote to Tumblr Support to ask “why is this man an editor of the politics tag?” 

(via coldbitterness)

He’s going down soon. It’s only a matter of time. But we have to keep up the pressure on him. I know I won’t be backing down—this man is sick and he needs to be removed from his position immediately. 

(via unknowablewoman)

Making jokes amongst ourselves about a shitty situation to have a moment of levity and solidarity is not “asking for it”. That’s not even going into the fact that there’s something deeply misogynistic to begin with about the entire concept of “asking for it” he espouses here.

(via cactustreemotel)

Yeah, adding my voice to the choir. He called me “cunt” and told me to go and kill myself. Because I dared say he and one of his politics editor were misogynists. This is standard behavior for him.

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