Oh I am all for “widening”, let me be clear. I’d like feminism to be as wide and inclusive for everyone who feels comfortable claiming …
What does rebranding mean for feminism? – Branch
What does rebranding mean for feminism? – Branch The previous URL is not working. This one is. (See my previous post for what this is …
Semantics regarding feminism vs. feminist critique
The other day, during the episode*, I stated that I was “a feminist cultural critic” and that, in turn, got me thinking into something that …
Professor feminism is back at it
I am not a genius, I am merely fond of trying to identify patterns of behavior and drawing possible outcomes based on them. So, when …
Two more things about the “Rebranding Feminism Contest”
Last night I broke my one writing rule: letting things simmer for at least a few hours before I write about them (which is a …
Curse the mighty powers, how I HATE the mediocrity of Netflix Netherlands
Last week Netflix started offering service (and I use that word in its most lose sense in this case) in The Netherlands. Since the first …