Because I said so: my chemical un-romance

A few people have started an initiative I really like and will be participating in. Since I have a few followers that might not follow her, I am inviting everyone who reads me to check out what this is all about here.

Respecting the author’s initiative is that I do not reblog the original post. The idea is to create individual posts on the subject of Chemical Addiction and tag them with the words “because I said so” and “Because I said so: Chemical Addiction”. For details and formatting, info here. Just one bit that I think will explain the subject and possible approaches better:

Content: In terms of content, it can be anything you like. A few stats that interest you, an anecdote, research, news article, a song, poem, movie, or picture, that relates to chemical addiction. You can create one post or three. It should be on topic, but whether you want to approach the topic as fact, fiction, diary, diatribe, or whatever, it’s all good.

The idea is to foster a collective discussion on addiction in whatever format people are happy sharing (be it personal anecdotes, related art, social commentary, etc.). I believe this is a topic that is worth exploring and a lot could be learned by thinking of this subject that is generally treated in mass media and popular culture with either a veil of stigma, shame or trivialization.

And you should all participate. Because I said so.

For the past decade and a half I have been making all my content available for free (and never behind a paywall) as an ongoing practice of ephemeral publishing. This site is no exception. If you wish to help offset my labor costs, you can donate on Paypal or you can subscribe to Patreon where I will not be putting my posts behind a lock but you'd be helping me continue making this work available for everyone. Thank you.  Follow me on Twitter for new post updates.

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