I think you’re so coool and I’m flattered you followed me. I apologize in advance if my blog isn’t full of savvy, important stuff. TMI: what is a seemingly innocuous thing that arouses you?

I know this might sound weird, but passionate discussions with some intellectual component.

Keep in mind I am in a long term monogamous relationship, so most of this applies to my younger days. With that said, I used to have sexy times with people just because they knocked me down with their rhetoric. Some of my biggest (consummated and non-consummated) crushes have been with people who dazzled me with their smarts. I think I have a sort of “brain/ mind fetish” and in my own feeble little head, I always felt that their “smarts” would rub on me through fucking.

Sad to say, that hasn’t been the case, even though I have an *ahem* long history behind me, but have remained the same old fool.

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