So, I would say that a feminist ally, or a feminist man or a man with feminist proclivities, who wishes to be an ally should be mindful of the role of men in perpetuating the silencing of women’s voices. And I would also say that I believe it is problematic when a man like Schwyzer gets more media exposure that the thousands of pages written by Women of Color on the topic of feminism. It is the perpetuation of such hierarchies that I take issue with. Why is the voice of one man given so much attention, considering this man has held so many contemptuous views about non White women? What kind of feminism is that and what kind of social hierarchy does it seek to perpetuate? This is not about men speaking of feminist issues but about certain men who do not necessarily have the best interests of the most oppressed women in mind that I take issue with.

This, for instance, which I also included in my statements about “jizz in the face” was left out from the piece at The Atlantic. 

I won’t bore all of you with the string of statements I made but I wish this one had been included. Because yeah, this is where I stand on the topic.

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