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March 2011

Bravo’s next series, “Pregnant in Heels,” illustrates a certain form of exaggerated reality, depicting women that much of the audience is pretty clearly going to …

Advance descriptions of the series describe it as having “sex, sword-fighting, magic, comedy”. Camelot (TV series) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Also, context for those …

This is kind of unrelated but, living in a country as El Salvador where there’s so much violence against women (Guatemala is the country where most women are murdered, I think, and they’re two hours away from us), there’s also so much stigma on the word “feminist”. Granted, I live in the better part of town, where my friends have never had to face things like this, but do they not read the news? When I tell any of them I’m a feminist, you would not believe the looks I get. Like I’m gonna get my gun and start killing men or something. People have made feminists here into a joke. Oh, look, the ridiculous feminists don’t want women to wear skirts! har har har. I just don’t understand, especially living in a country like this, how can they think feminism is not necessary? Or have they just been misinformed? What do you think?

Eh, chica, I wish I had a simple answer for you. I know this much: the stigma you experience in El Salvador, I also experienced …

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