A Filipino worker was tied to a chair by a racist colleague in the North while another was locked in a freezer, a community representative has claimed. The allegations emerged as new research found almost half of Filipinos living in the North say they have experienced racial harassment in the workplace.
Ireland: Report warns of workplace racism | Irish Examiner
I’ve been posting about escalating anti Black racism in Ireland for the past couple of weeks. Now a report by Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities (NICEM) has been released with chilling details of the abuse endured by members of the Filipino community. From the article:
Filipino community representative Jason Braga, 36, who has lived in the North for nine years, said some of his compatriots were frightened to report abuse in case it harmed their chances of staying in the country.
“I was told of a nurse being tied up in a chair and a hotel worker being locked up in a freezer,” he said.
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