Also my residence is up for renewal

This happens every five years and this is my third. I just got the letter to pay for the new permit. At this stage, this is a mere formality (my immigration status is not threatened because I am here long enough to not have to prove that I am not a “drain” for the system). However, here is the kick: I have to pay 400 Euros.

Now, let me be clear, for me, 400 euros is OK. I would prefer to spend this money on a vacation or a super nice leather jacket or some other luxury but I do have the money. I am privileged enough to be able to afford this fee (well, ok, I’ll confess my totally non feminist arrangement: even if I personally could not afford it, I am married to someone who absolutely can). However, for a working class immigrant, this fee is outrageous. I am not talking an inconvenience, but that this is just so excessive as to represent a very significant dent in someone’s annual budget. There is no subsidy or reduction in this fee for those who cannot afford it, though. They have to pay it or else risk deportation.

And of course, I cannot help but point out that this is one of the ways the government ensures only “certain” kind of immigrant can remain here with a documented status.

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