Corporate politics and feminism

You know when I point out (lazy now, if you check my Tiger Beatdown posting history you’ll probably find the relevant posts) to the inherent intra-gender oppression at play in Western capitalist feminism? It’s at play here in all its glory in everything related to Professor Feminism! IT’S THE BASIS OF THIS “PROBLEM”.

I wrote before how mainstream Western feminism talks about women and career opportunities without addressing the underlying intra gender exploitation that peddles women to compete against one another in a corporate setting while, at the same time, more often than not this corporate environment also exploits resources and livelihoods of women in the Global South, migrant women, WoC, etc. I am not saying anything new here, it’s the stuff of kyriarchical control/ domination. And the most mainstream version of Western feminism promotes this as a “desirable” outcome because it runs on the basis that women should have access to “positions of power”, without deconstructing how this power operates and what it means to acquire power in such a system.

Anyway, this same unacknowledged intra gender oppression is now operating in full force in defense of Hugo Schwyzer. Because otherwise, I cannot possibly understand why there is not a huge chorus of recognizable names and voices telling him to shut up already. Instead, we are dealing with “corporate silence”. I suspect fear of losing one’s standing in this “corporation” plays a role. And I fully understand people need to pay bills and many depend on writing gigs for that. However, one’s allegiance to an oppressive man is at CLEAR ODDS with the basic tenets of what the politics of feminism should be about! This is not feminism, not by a long stretch. This is corporate, PR driven intra gender violence. Let’s not confuse the terms here.

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