Daddy Issues on Ladyblog pisses me off. This guy is so stupid. His daughter is 4, he needs to calm the fuck down. I hate him!!


Great minds think alike, etc.

Exactly how many commenters/readers have actually said positive things about this series?  Dude is weirdly worried about his daughter’s sexuality (what if she sees me looking at pretty girls?  It’s okay if her friends are slutty, just not her!).

Ok, I am going to come out and say something totally speculative and only based on what these guys put out there on blog posts: all of these dads (the one on LB, but also guys like dad-isms) creep me the fuck out. I don’t know exactly why I get a bad vibe from fathers so obsessed with their daughters sexuality. I feel the same way about purity balls. It’s vaguely porn-y and vaguely abusive in a way that I cannot quite describe better than just saying it makes me uncomfortable.

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