Down (bad) memory lane

I’ve been waiting to see Prince for more than twenty years. Just like I’ve been waiting to see David Bowie for that long.

I had tickets to see both of them as part of a festival in Buenos Aires (where INXS was also part of the line up). The festival was on the same weekend that my father died. So, of course I couldn’t go. My father had been ill for years, in and out of hospital, fighting against cancer. And then he passed and I wasn’t even interested in the festival anymore.

And life happened. Every time I found myself in the geographical proximity of a Prince concert (which was rare, as he hasn’t been performing that much for the past 10 years or so), I just couldn’t afford it. And on those times when I could afford it, there simply wasn’t any concert to go to.

So this is it. And I shall scream and dance like 18 year old me wanted to. Because it’s been long due.

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