Dutch bus company tips police about “African women who look like illegal immigrants”; twelve are deported

Just came across these news, Connexxion Helps detain illegal immigrants (sic). The link is in Dutch and, as usual, it can be parsed through Google Translate. However, here’s the gist of it:

Last year, Dutch transportation company Connexxion helped police detain around thirty undocumented immigrants. Every day, the drivers noticed a bunch of “African women” (sic from the article) take the bus in Amsterdam to the nearby town of Bloemendaal. Since Bloemendaal is a rich suburb with many stand alone villas, the bus drivers noticed that these women entered the private residences and inferred that they must be working illegally as cleaners and maids. They alerted the police to the presence of “illegal immigrants” (again, sic from the article) and helped mount a vigilante operation to follow them around and request their ID at their supposed place of work. As a result of this snitch collaboration 30 women from countries like Ghana, Uganda, Brazil and the Philippines were detained. Twelve of them have already been deported.

The Council of State has now called an inquest and halted the deportation procedures of the remaining women. However, a spokesperson for the bus company has stated that they were “helping do the right thing because illegal work should not be tolerated”.

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