Dutch Tea Party
It seems we didn’t have enough home brewed radicals that we decided to import some ideology from outside. Yes, the Dutch Tea Party seems to be “a thing”. I wonder how much support they have but I will certainly be adding these ones to my list of loons to watch.
Their site contains a prominent link to the Tea Party Patriots, the extra loon movement that is plagued by racists, anti minorities, xenophobes, extremist right wingers. I know this will sound harsh but really… guilty by association! Who can, in good conscious link to that and not even question the rhetoric of what they are supposedly representing.
Incidentally, someone considered them press worthy because they have been interviewed in a newspaper from Brabant. They have gems like this to say: “Pim Fortuyn was our Sarah Palin. And now, that person is Geert Wilders”. Oh, ok. I see you have done your research! Did any of these people even read what Pim Fortuyn supposedly represented, besides (and further than) his Anti Muslim stances?
Yes, I am reblogging myself but Dutch Politics is so niche that I know it is mostly followed by people either living in NL or with interests in NL or Europe. However, this is too good not to post it again.
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