Geert Wilders’ anti-immigration PVV party has launched a new website where people can report complaints about central and eastern European immigrants in the Netherlands.

‘Do you have problems with people from central and eastern Europe? Have you lost your job to a Pole, Bulgarian, Romanian or other eastern European? We want to know,’ the website states. – Problems with Poles? Report them to us, says new PVV website

And then this:

PVV parliamentarian Ino van de Besselaar told the AD the aim of the site is to develop proper insight into the ‘problems caused by central and eastern Europeans in terms of crime, alcoholism, drugs use, dumping household waste and prostitution’.

If anyone had told me that there would be a significant political party, in Europe, that gave a space to the local equivalent of Daily Mail commenters and turned those comments into a political platform, I would have laughed. And yet, here we are. Imagine the worst of tabloid comments, the most bigoted Fox News viewers and the racists from Stormfront, now have a place to legitimately “complain” about Romanians, Bulgarians, etc. This is what the website the PVV is opening will look like.

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