hi, do you have some recommended reads/books on feminism/politics/immgration specific to the situation in the EU? I’m from Belgium myself

Rather than giving you a book or a list of books (though this one here would be a good one to read), I’d do something better, create a list of Euro folks who regularly comment on books, media and intellectual production.

Since you are in Belgium but I am unsure whether you prefer English, Flemish or French, then I’ll do the next best thing, direct you to people who cover all three languages!

Again, a couple of caveats: 

1. I am only including People of Color who are based in Europe in this list not because there isn’t any white person doing good work but because I want to center our voices in relating our experiences and multitude of differences as well as similarities. As I’ve said many times, I am very interested in “a choral, shared history” and I hope this list would reflect that. 

2. This is not a complete list and it is certainly not meant to encompass everyone doing awesome work. These suggestions are based on interactions I have through this space, Twitter and/or people I know personally. As I said yesterday on the Latina feminist reader, I am very happy to continue expanding this list with other suggestions. I am focusing this list on feminism of color/ womanism and migrant experiences only. I insist, this doesn’t mean there aren’t other people doing great work in Europe, offering political analysis or commentary. It’d be impossible to list them all so, instead, I am only centering the specifics of the question received: gender, politics and migration/ race.

For French feminism of color and awesome commentary, head to Ms. Dreydful’s blog. Also, if you are on Twitter, I strongly recommend you follow her.

For Flemish/ Dutch language, I would recommend Tamghrabit’s blog on this here Tumblr. She is also on Twitter and again, if you use the platform, I strongly recommend you follow her. Incidentally, she is the editor of Alert Magazine which publishes in both English and Flemish/Dutch. Link here.

Another Netherlands based Tumblr I would highly recommend is Queerintersectional. I won’t reveal anything about this person’s identity because I don’t know how comfortable they are with details of their lives being on the internet (a topic we actually never discussed) but suffice to say, I consider this person a dear friend and their politics are deep cutting, sharp and smart as hell.

Mieke’s blog here, Samblabelanda is a project to document her Indonesian heritage and family history within the Dutch colonial past. And a link to Twitter. It’s mostly in English but with a strong focus on Dutch history.

Sara Salem, who is Egyptian/Dutch blogs in English about colonialism, post colonialism, race and Marxism. Here’s a link to her Twitter where she is very active sharing news and commentary.

If you can read Dutch, head over to Roet in het Eten, Quinsy Gario’s blog for the eponymous radio show (which you can also listen to online, the team regularly posts soundcloud files, – they haven’t yet uploaded the show I was a guest at a few weeks ago when they do, I’ll share a link so that you can all listen to me raging in Dutch). Also, if you are on Twitter, follow Quinsy Gario there, he regularly shares info about events, shows, conferences, etc on his stream. Roet in het Eten is also a great place to read regularly because they post links to other blogs and media in the Dutch language.

For English language (British based), I strongly recommend the Black Feminists blog. If you are on Twitter, you can follow them here.

A must read, Sara Ahmed’s Feminist Killjoys blog. She is London based and one of the most prominent intellectual voices within European feminism. Her Twitter is also a must follow for those who use the platform.

Another favorite of mine is Reni Eddo-Lodge. Her blog can be found here. Again, she is very active (and awesome) on Twitter.

On this here Tumblr, “The “Right” kind of Brown” with commentary about race, disability and social justice from the UK. And a link to follow on Twitter.

This here Tumblr and The Body Narratives by Hana Riaz who you should also follow on Twitter. She writes a lot about self care and love, two topics we should hear more about every day and she’s involved in some great projects about self image.

Bonus Euro Women of Color on Twitter:

Judeinlondon, as her name suggests, London based. She shares links and commentary on current events and media and she always has sharp observations about culture and politics.

Ylva Habel, Stockholm based academic who shares her experiences and insights on issues pertaining to People of Color in Sweden.

Aniqah, a London based Queer WoC feminist Muslim journalist who regularly shares news and commentary.

Carol Roper, UK based, decoloniality, radical Black history, general awesomeness.

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