Hilario and Miguel Chiriap, Shuar uwishin (shamans and tribal leaders from the Shuar Nation) sing the song of the Jaguar. Background images of the Amazonian rainforest in Ecuador and the devastation they endure. Says Miguel:

“The destruction of the Ecuadorian rainforest has been going on for many decennia. The main culprit for this destruction has been the oil industry. About a 100.000 barrels of oil are sucked out of the forest daily. With open pits and oil spills polluting the waters all over the Amazonian rainforest, and thus poisoning the plants and animals of our unique eco-system.”

“In Gualaquiza a new danger has arrived on the horizon. Valuable minerals have been found in the rainforest in the vincinity of our town. Test-drills have convinced a foreign mining-company to soon start with commercial mining in the rainforest, primarily for gold. As is widely known, mining for gold is one of the most polluting activities by mankind. Although we, the Shuar, heavily oppose the mining, the leaders of our country are somehow not prepared to listen to us. Blinded as they are from the lucrative money involved in digging for gold.”

“Everything is connected in this world. I am connected to the rainforest. But you are just as connected to it. Every piece of original forest that is destroyed is a piece of you which is destroyed. We, the Shuar, are prepared to take up arms to defend our rights. As we have never been conquered by others. But we would rather wish for our leaders to return to their senses. And stop the mining for gold in Gualaquiza before it is too late.”

I know both Miguel and Hilario. I contend that they saved a dear friend’s life. That’s how much they matter to me. And they sing about their Spirit Animals. You can see why I tend to get upset over these issues.

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