Just got back from the opening of Monteverdish, which we thoroughly enjoyed with haguenite. To say that this trailer does not do it justice would be an understatement. IT’S AMAZING. And that’s also an understatement. Based on Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea, Monteverdish is a hip hop/breakdance opera with a live chamber orchestra and a very, VERY talented DJ doing some mind blowing stuff live. But it’s also much more than that. Because the ruler despot Nero is played by a woman, turning the whole story upside down. And the dancers are incredible and so are the singers. And now I NEED to see this again and get my hands on the soundtrack. We had such a great time.

Sadly, budget cuts in the Arts, the byproduct of our current short sighted government, mean that productions like this will most likely disappear from next year’s programs.

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