mizjenkins replied to your photo: You know, Frisky, you and I have never been…

Sorry, but I’m with them and anti the kind of hysterical hand-wringing that suggests that promoting health, safety and good decision-making amount to “victim-blaming”.

You have a point about health and safety. But this? This is pointing the finger at victims. This:

This “rape cop” case is an example. (The Frisky has written about it extensively—you can read about it here and here.) In going over the details of this horrible case, there is one thing most women don’t want to say: what if this victim had recognized she was getting drunk, slowed down, and had a few glasses of water before leaving that bar in that cab? The reason we don’t want to go there is because it sounds like victim blaming. And do not mince my words here—there is only one person to blame in this situation—the police officer who used a drunk women’s keys to enter her apartment four times. At best, as he’s admitted, he cuddled with her when she was in nothing but a bra and kissed her on the forehead and, at worst, as the victim remembers it, he rolled down her tights and penetrated her from behind.

That IS victim blaming through and through, even if the writer tries to disguise it with a sort of “Just sayin” disclaimer. These are the tactics we critizice in Fox news when they pose horrendous arguments under the guise of “concern” or hypothetical questions. That paragraph right there is rancid, reactionary nonsense.

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