msavignon replied to your post: The New York Times visits my neighborhood
Complaining about how the NYT misrepresents your neighborhood is, as I’ve learned, a time-honored tradition. Welcome to the club! I almost threw something when they reviewed a restaurant a few blocks away.
Heh, I am glad to see I am in good company! The article is not entirely garbage, they do quote a few immigrants and politicians who elaborate on the many issues with the Dutch State I regularly write about (denial of identity by dumping us into a legal category where we will never be recognized as Dutch; State sponsored segregation, etc.). However, what I do not understand is why they’d come to Slotervaart, of all places, and open the article quoting a very, very inflammatory racist. There were other ways they could have brought up those issues. I guess promoting racial tensions in an area that has struggled tremendously to overcome them sells more papers than presenting the issue in a more level headed manner.
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