nom-chompsky replied to your photo: Say what you will about Jezebel, but we have to…
Its not even funny. If someone’s going to be ridiculous like this, they should try to at least be funny.
My point entirely. As Monty Python proved, there are good jokes to be made about the Inquisition. Equating it to “that time of the month” is obviously not one of them, especially when discussing a concrete and documented case. But, eh, what can I say? The EIC is probably still high on the “Joan of Snark” joke and now thinks she is untouchable.
If I was in her place, though, I would be wondering what I did wrong that the sites devoted to dissecting my content and the comments no longer feel it’s worthy to spend time doing so, as the recent closure of STFUJezzies attests. Only people who care enough about a site or community spend time talking about it, after all.
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