paolaandfrancesca replied to your post: Young American Woman goes to Sweden, discovers gender related cultural differences, writes about it

If so many of the people I follow weren’t as young or younger than this woman, I might be inclined to chalk this up to her age, but no, it’s her.

I do not think it is age, at all. I am always waxing lyrical about so many aware and smart young people so I know for a fact it’s her. And you know, this:

 muralgirl replied to your post: Young American Woman goes to Sweden, discovers gender related cultural differences, writes about it

So, “people are different in another country, and I like it better at home where things work the way I expect them to”? Surprise. That’s the reaction of 95% of all American college students I have ever been around in Europe (too many to count).

In all fairness, I’ve encountered the exact same attitude from people the world over. I would say it is a personality trait that appears regardless of nationality. I’ve met Italians and Spanish people who did nothing but complain about Amsterdam because it is so gray and rainy and so different and worse from back home (what? You moved here without doing ANY kind of prior research?) Ditto for English people complaining about the lack of choice in Dutch supermarkets (because OMG the local Albert Heijn supermarket doesn’t carry the exact same varieties of canned beans as my local Tescos in Warwick). We all have something to say about cultural differences, but it takes a special kind of navel gazing individual to write opinion pieces about these differences and how they are obviously inferior to what they are accustomed to.

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