Norwegian right-wing extremists decried the “Islamisation” of their country as they took the stand Tuesday in what Anders Behring Breivik’s defence hopes will help prove …
Dutch media and the fabrication of false (racial) consciousness
A day doesn’t go by without some Dutch mass media reminding us that “racism is in the eye of the beholder” or some such similar …
Global Comment: “Vague Crimes”: Dominique Strauss Kahn and Protecting Predators in France
Global Comment: “Vague Crimes”: Dominique Strauss Kahn and Protecting Predators in France Next week, it’ll be a year since the initial rape accusations against Dominique …
Socialist candidate Francois Hollande won the French elections
And yet, I am highly skeptical of anything meaningful or valuable coming out of this. Why you may ask? Because this is the same Socialist …
And you know, about the legality of sexual harassment in France
DSK was explicit in his disdain for WoC and minorities, so I don’t need to tell you who is fair game now, without consequences. Also, …
Tiger Beatdown: Remembering the dead: what have we learned 67 years after the end of WWII?
Tiger Beatdown: Remembering the dead: what have we learned 67 years after the end of WWII? I wrote about current affairs in Europe in view …