In the ruins of Gadhafi’s lair, rebels find album filled with photos of his ‘darling’ Condoleezza Rice From the article: The ransacking of Moammar Gadhafi’s …
The Netherlands can take an important role in rebuilding Libya once the fighting in Tripoli is over, foreign affairs minister Uri Rosenthal told the press …
Meet Camila Vallejo, president of the Federation of Chilean Students (FECH) and leader of the protests for education reform in Chile. On Thursday, the march …
August 17th marks the anniversary of the first day of a slave uprising in Curaçao, which lasted until September 18th, 1795. The brutally repressed rebellion …
March of the Daisies, Brazil Fifty thousand rural women participated in the March of the Daisies yesterday in Brasilia to demand sustainable development, the end …