To the outside world, the Netherlands is a rich and diverse country, embracing values of equality and acceptance of differences, even if some cracks are …
I hate you all media vultures
Edit: It seems I have deeply hurt some people for using the words “media whore” to define white people who sell us for a profit. …
Amy Wallace’s ethics writing about me in relation to Hugo Schwyzer for LA Magazine
I was alerted that Amy Wallace has been reaching out to people with whom I usually have conversations on Twitter because she is writing a …
Are you writing a book? Are you shopping a manuscript or just interested in the publishing industry?
Then this report published yesterday is a must read. From the link: Choosing which way to publish is becoming a difficult choice for the modern author. …
Pulling my hair – a media strategy
I love how @redlightvoices was having a discussion about Penny Red’s piece, Penny barged in, and now Flavia is the bully. Give me a break. …
On media bias and cruelty
Today, at Al Jazeera, Sarah Kendzior wrote one of the most sensible media analysis I’ve read in a good while: When mainstream media is the lunatic fringe. …