India is the one country where even the poor have something very chic about them Karl Lagerfeld And this guy influences our beauty standards and …
Where does Thought Catalog fit in the “99%” narrative?
Because I was reading this and noticed this tone of “Sam Shepard/ John Cassavetes in neon lights for the trust fund hipster generation” and wondered …
Study proves that people who watch Fox know less about news than those who don’t watch news at all
via Poll Finds Fox News Is Worse Than No News at All – News – GOOD The study controlled for partisanship, which suggests that something specific …
i’m with kanye: ‘Explore’ Wish List
i’m with kanye: ‘Explore’ Wish List thepoliticalnotebook: shortformblog: joshsternberg: imwithkanye: ‘Explore’ Wish List Dear Tumblr, I love the Explore feature. It has been a welcome addition to my Tumblr …
Behold for we are THE LADY BLOGOSPHERE!
Behold for we are THE LADY BLOGOSPHERE! New York Mag devoted their latest edition to feminism. And they put together a list of “must read” …
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation For anyone trying to make sense of the importance of the News of the World scandal, a comprehensive list of all …