The editor of Tumblr’s political content responds


There is little I can add except to point out that when someone wishes to bring their ideology to the rest of the world it is called imperialism. It is the misguided belief that one’s hollier than thou ideas are so worth upholding and extended everywhere regardless of what people in other countries believe.

So let’s recap who is curating content for Tumblr. Or, let’s recap who Tumblr has deemed to be an authority to filter what we should be allowed to see in politics:

A person who denies that privilege exists

A person who handed cookies to Asian and Black people during an anti Affirmative Action bake sale (link goes to post on STFUConservatives because he has since deleted the post, although he does acknowledge it as his; bonus post here where he shames anyone else who reblogged that bake sale/ handing cookies to POC action and who actually responded in a negative way to his racist activism)

A person who runs an aggressive, virulent, misogynist anti abortion blog.

Yep, this is the authority that curates the Tumblr content we are allowed to see.

And because I expect better from my Social Media platform of choice, I am told I should just kill myself.

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