The politics of Solidarity

Today in news that will surprise nobody: Geert Wilders voters are the least charitable in The Netherlands.

People who vote for the anti-Islam PVV (ED: Geert Wilders Party, also known as Party for Freedom) are the least generous contributors to charity, according to research by Gfk for the AD.

On average, the Dutch give €144 a year to charity, but PVV voters only give €54. Socialist voters are the next least generous with average donations of €63.

Top of the list of charitable givers are supporters of the orthodox Christian party ChristenUnie, who give an average €823 to charity a year. Second is the CDA (ED: Christian Democrat Party), on €224.

Wilders has formed well known alliances with some of the least savory elements of the American Tea Party and the British Nationalist Party. Why would his followers be more charitable and inclusive than their international counterparts, after all?

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