The thing with people like “European Resistance” is that they are the manifestation of something much more serious and dangerous. You can equate this person to pus on an open wound. Sure, the pus is gross and disgusting and very evident. However, it is also the symptom of a general infection, the part that is not visible and slowly spreads around the organism. While the pus does not directly affect other organs, the infection that manifests as pus in the wound erodes them, and eventually leads to massive failures. That’s the way I see this person. Sure, just like pus, their views are “evident” and in the open, but they are only the manifestation of something much more serious and unaddressed going on. While “European Resistance” posts photo after photo of Breivik, glorifying his actions, somewhere in Europe, there is a silent racist in charge of an HR organization who refuses to hire a Person of Color. “European Resistance” is the vocal, visible symptom of this widespread disease.

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