thehighshelf replied to your post: You are everything you complain about.

Is it too terrible that I laughed? These people are a hoot!

I laugh as well. Some of the stuff I get leaves me scratching my head. Like do they even read before they hit “Ask”? Alas, nobody said a minimum amount of articulation should go into insults. 

nom-chompsky replied to your post: You are everything you complain about.

You’re a cis-gender western white manchild? News.

I am ERR’THING! Also the maternal figure who sends them to bed early without dessert. And I guess that’s why they now hate me.

msavignon replied to your post: You are everything you complain about.

I was drunk last night and tweeted to Kate Harding and Sady Doyle about Voldemort. (My name for Ryking.) they were all he sucks but just ignore him. I think they’re righ :/

As per Garland’s suggestion last night, I might create an image with a piece of moldy rye bread bearing a tiny crown and call it “All HAILS THE RYE KING!”. Because his ideas as as stale as that bread.

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