“This is so exciting! A Hispanic Fox News! I wonder if they would let me do their branding campaign. The outline of my proposal would include: Naming: Fox para Espalda Mojadas (Fox for Wetbacks) Byline: El unico canal donde te odiamos en tu propio idioma (The only channel where we hate you in your own language) And of course, colorful sombreros and slogans along the lines of “Because we know you are either lazy or up to no good trying to steal our jobs” and “The best Hispano is the Hispano that watches our channel from outside the US”” That was pretty racist and I don’t give a fuck if you were trying to be sarcastic. Don’t write shit like this it is terrible and not funny.

Really?! I am being racist towards what? Myself?! You are going to police how I make fun of my own Latinidad? You are going to tell me I cannot make jokes about my own culture and how it is portrayed by Fox News?

Really?! Well ok, then, random Tumblr person, I am sure you are an authority on this subject!

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