Tiger Beatdown: Behold the power of the penis! Erotica, porn and escorts for cis straight women
Tiger Beatdown: Behold the power of the penis! Erotica, porn and escorts for cis straight women
As the title suggests, a brief analysis of the subgenre I like to call “penis centric erotica”. From the post:
Think about it for a second. How many romance novels, erotic stories or porn films aimed at the mainstream (i.e. cis, straight women), no matter how female friendly they claim to be, no matter how sex positive, or how feminist they are do not center the penis? Almost everything directed at cis, straight women, involves either fantasizing over what a dude will do to the woman in question with his penis, or servicing the penis or making use of the penis, being penetrated by the penis, manipulating the penis in some way or lusting after the promise of future penis presence.
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