Today’s rant: My petty rage
I rage every time I hear a woman of certain wealth and privilege say something like “I am not a feminist! I am all for equality but feminists are [insert derogatory terms of your preference]”. I want to scream and shake them until they come to their senses. I want to ask them if their access to literacy, computers, degrees, the right to choose a partner, vote, manage their own money and get healthcare happened in a vacuum, if they believe this is something that they “earned” just by virtue of being born.
Every time these women use their right to voice their opinion, they are taking a piss on the corpses of the women who gave their lives so that we could have these rights. I type this from a computer, with access to the internet, because a woman in a previous generation gave her life so that I could do this. It wasn’t given to me by virtue of my existence. This right is the result of someone’s belief that the struggle was worth fighting for and, in many cases, paying a hefty price for it.
The least I can do is be grateful for those who came before me and treat their memories with the respect they deserve.
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