via The Tribune

“SO many women underestimate the role and power of their wombs as they try their utmost to fit into a stress-ladened lifestyle that undervalues their roles as women,” said Queen Afua, chief executive officer of the Queen Afua Wellness Institute.

“I think it is safe to say that most women forget that they have been blessed with the enormous capacity to not only love unconditionally but also co-create life itself. This dis-jointed approach to life promotes frustration, which in turn produces anger on a number of different levels. This energy left un-channelled destroys the very essence of who we are and along with it the balance we bring to life. I advocate that the only way this can be addressed is if we focus on the place where we all came from- the womb,” she said.

“Overcoming An Angry Vagina – A Journey To Womb Wellness” is the newest book by Queen Afua. Her previous book, “Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind and Spirit”, sold more than a million copies worldwide.

Last weekend, she hosted a workshop on this topic for both men and women at the Bahamas National Trust where she shared techniques to prevent womb issues such as “fibroid tumors, pre and post menstrual syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases, "menopausal madness and emotional womb drama”.

Her one woman show, titled: “If Your Vagina Could Speak, What Would She Say?” was the theme of the weekend, according to organiser Rhonda Wright, founder of Seedlings Place.

“An angry vagina comes in many, many forms. A vagina, or a woman’s womb is what makes us women. For the health of every woman each of her bodies – mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical – must be in balance to have wellness. When they are not in balance this is what we call having an angry vagina,” said Mrs Wright.

If my vagina could speak, it would be screaming at you: FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR HETERONORMATIVE BULLSHIT YOU FUCKING CUNT! If my vagina could speak, it would, indeed, be a very angry body part. Because, really, a vagina and the womb is what makes us women?! No, just NO! Now fuck you and your corny, pink book covers and bullshit discourse.

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