About copyright

Funny that someone would try to attack me in terms of copyright violations. Not just funny because of how zealous I am linking to the source of anything I quote or post when it is not mine but for another reason altogether: I came into social politics through the back door of Open Source activism.

I don’t talk much about my life prior to living in The Netherlands not because I have something to hide but because it sometimes feels like it was a lifetime ago, in terms of time but also in terms of “stuff that happens in life”. Everyone knows I am from Argentina. The truth is that, if it is not evident from the stuff I write (and the fact that I write in English with some degree of literacy), I come from a very privileged background. I started to become aware of unprivileged realities at a very young age, mostly through classmates, people I met, the fact that I identified as punk for a good chunk of my early youth, etc.

I had my first computer in the 80’s, when I was very young (and a girl to boot), which was kinda revolutionary of my parents to give me to begin with. And eventually, I discovered Open Source and the activism for open copyright standards. I became a very vocal advocate. It was the first time I felt that politics and concrete action could come together for something real, something that I believed could impact society in concrete ways. I would dare say my knowledge of copyright and licenses is way above that of most average persons. There is even legislation, back in my home country, that bears my name as a key contributor to the drafting. Later on, I expanded my interest into other areas of politics, social related matters, etc. But that was my first moment of awareness.

So, to have some random troll attack my politics through supposed copyright violations is not only laughable, it is ironic, given how much time I spent, years ago, actually translating GNU Licenses into Spanish, at a time when such a thing didn’t even exist.

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