An important strand of contemporary liberalism is feminism. As a label, “feminist” is passé; outside the academic fever swamps, you will find few women below Social Security age who embrace it. That is because what used to be called feminism–the proposition that women deserve equality before the law and protection from discrimination–is almost universally accepted today.

Palinoia, the Destroyer –

Isn’t the Wall Street Journal a supposedly respectable news outlet? Why is this published uncritically? Honestly, I read the entire piece (it is long, boring, partisan and very pro Palin) and I had to pause a few times because it really seemed unbecoming of the WSJ. And it’s not the feminism quote above (although really, that one is bad enough), but the right wing discourse that I expect at Fox News and not at an old newspaper that had a reputation for critical thought (even if ideologically I would be pretty much in the antipodes).

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