And I really resent that this needs to be said

White feminists quoting me (either from stuff I write or bits and pieces taken from social media) to push their whitewashing and/ or white supremacist agenda: no.

Whatever I write is meant to challenge the very same status quo that grants you humanity while it confines me to the detention camp to be deported. My words are NOT for your benefit. If you are going to quote them, be very, very aware that whatever words I put out there are meant as a strategy that seeks to dismantle white supremacist, heternormative, cissupremacist, capitalist, imperialist patriarchy. Your appropriation for spurious means (i.e. erasure of the work of women of color, erasure of the damages caused by the above mentioned matrix of domination and/ or perpetuation of any or all of the above) are contrary to the purpose of my work.

I do not seek validation and/ or publicity for my work at the expense of the countless women that are damaged by this system. I’d rather not be quoted or “celebrated” when others are going to pay the price for my exposure. I vehemently refuse to be used as part of strategies of appropriation and/ or erasure. I do not mind being quoted by anyone. However, I deeply resent that my quotes can be used as a way to delegitimize other Women of Color. “Ah but Flavia says…”. No. Flavia says Fuck your silencing, fuck your strategies of domination and above all, fuck your use of my work to silence the very same women that my work is part of.  It is not my fault that I am not part of your feminism. It is yours for creating and building it this way. Now, do not ever attempt to make me part of the problem when I wasn’t the one that created it to begin with. 

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