Another tidbit about Dutch Politics

Fron today’s news, this just made me chuckle: Wilders to boycott tv talk show over ‘disgusting cartoon’

PVV leader Geert Wilders is boycotting a televised election debate because the Vara public broadcasting company will not remove an offensive cartoon about him from one of its websites.

Ironic, considering this:

In the past, Wilders has defended both the Danish artists who published cartoons satirising Islam and Dutch cartoonist Gregorius Nekshot who was arrested and later released following the publication of drawings said to be offensive to immigrants.

The hypocrisy, of course, being that Wilders has spent a good part of the past few years speaking of nothing but these Danish cartoons and how they represent a fundamental freedom of expression. But I guess cartoons that make fun of minorities are OK, as long as they leave his peroxided antics alone.

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