Aww look, Alex Holzbach doesn’t believe in privilege! Probably that’s because privilege believes in HIM!

For those who didn’t see my post last night, Alex Holzbach, anti abortion activist, on record as being against even Plan B, imperialist wannabe who would like to take his stances to the rest of the world, promoter of hate speech against women, who advocates that people who get abortions should be jailed regardless of circumstance, who goes as far as misappropriating and misusing the idea of “genocide” to promote his agenda, misogynist and master of rhetoric violence, is one of the curators of the Tumblr political tag. This is a person that Tumblr has considered suitable to filter the content we are allowed to see when we browse the Politics tag. A guy who actively works to undermine the rights of people who are in possession of a uterus. A guy who actively works to determine what we are allowed and what we are not allowed to do with our bodies. A guy who doesn’t even believe in a basic political concept like “privilege”.

Why should you care about this? Because this is a matter of giving a space and a public platform to someone who pro-actively works to oppress people. This is hate politics. Tumblr is telling us that this person is worthy of filtering topics for us and being an authority on our behalf. His being one of the editors of the Tumblr Politics section is a de facto validation and endorsement of his position. They are saying “Here, this is what you should see every day”.

I say No. We are already told in media, in press, in numerous blogs, in everyday political discourse, that we shouldn’t have the right to make decisions about our bodies. We are consistently told that our rights are negotiable and interchangeable tokens to be used for political advancements. Tumblr should know better than to give a platform to someone who wishes for our further oppression. 

What can you do about it? Write about it. Write a post (or reblog one from someone else) and tag it with the word “Politics”. Or write directly to Tumblr and express your concern. People who promote Hate Politics should not be allowed to curate and dictate the content we are allowed to see, content that actively works to undermine our rights.

I do not wish (nor hope) to change Mr. Holzbach’s mind on the subject. I do, however, expect Tumblr not to endorse him by giving him a prominent platform to further promote his ideology.

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