Behaviors that didn’t exist before the internet

Today, let’s explore the “I don’t care about [insert whatever in the history of mankind]” pieces.

If you are young, do you remember your parents ever entering a shop and nonchalantly informing the sales person that “they didn’t care about the new product recently released”? Do you remember ever calling a bunch of random friends to announce that “you don’t care about a particular TV show”? Did you ever meet someone whose first interaction with you was to announce that “they do not care for the brand of jeans you are wearing”? Well, thanks to the internet, now you know plenty about issues people do not care about.

Because, you see, not caring about something is no longer enough. Now, you also get to tell everyone. And you can actually publish your lack of opinion and others will even read about it and comment how they do not care either. Just remember, no matter how trivial, your lack of opinion matters. And you too, can build an audience based on it.

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